BSocSc (Hons) (Theory and Policy in Youth and Community Work)


Alternative Degree Pathway for Students not Proceeding to Third Year - Social Science (Youth and Community Work)

The BSocSc (Hons) (Theory and Policy in Youth and Community Work) is an alternative degree pathway for students who do not satisfy the pass standard for the professional practice/placement modules in Year 2 (SS2107) of the BSocSc (Youth and Community Work) programme over the Summer and/or Autumn Supplemental Examinations.

Such students may opt instead to register for the BSocSc (Hons) (Theory and Policy in Youth and Community Work) (BSocScTPYCW (Hons)) and take an alternative two of the following 5 credit non-professional practice modules:  SS2004, SS2006SS2007 and SS2025 in Second Year, and four of the following 5 credit non-professional practice modules: SS3005, SS3006, SS3008,  SS3015, SS3016, SS3019, SS3021, SS3033 SS3045, SS3118 in Third year.

Note: Students who are required to take these alternative, non-practice based modules, will continue with all other modules of the BSocSc (Y&CW) programme in both Second and/or Third Year.

BSocSc (Hons) (Theory and Policy in Youth and Community Work) Year 3 - Alternative Degree Pathway for Students not Completing Third Year Social Science (Youth and Community Work)

The BSocSc (Hons) (Theory and Policy in Youth and Community Work) is an alternative degree pathway for students who do not satisfy the pass standard for the professional practice/placement modules in Year 2 (SS2107) or in Year 3 (SS3107 and/or SS3104) of the BSocSc (Youth and Community Work) programme over the Summer and/or Autumn Supplemental Examinations.

Such students may opt instead to register for the BSocSc (Hons) (Theory and Policy in Youth and Community Work) (BSocScTPYCW (Hons)) and in Third Year take as an alternative any four of the following 5 credit non-professional practice modules: SS3005, SS3006, SS3008,SS3015, SS3016, SS3019, SS3021, SS3033,SS3045, SS3118.


  • Students who pass SS3104 and fail SS3107 in Year 3 of the BSocSc (Y&CW) programme over the Summer and Autumn Supplemental Examinations, may opt to register for the BSocSc (Theory and Policy in Youth and Community Work) (BSocSc TPYCW 3 (Hons) and will only be required to take two 5 credit modules (10 credits in total).
  • Students who are required to take these alternative, non-practice based modules, will continue with all other modules of the BSocSc (Y&CW) programme in both Second and/or Third Year.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements