CK101 BA (Hons) Subject - Béaloideas/Irish Cultural Studies


Béaloideas: Students wishing to select Béaloideas should normally have a minimum grade H4 in Irish in the Leaving Certificate Examination (or equivalent). Lectures are through the medium of Irish. Students may not take both Béaloideas and Folklore. Students intending to apply to transfer to the BA (International), and take Chinese Studies or continental languages as a Single, Major or Joint subject in second year as part of it, should note that they cannot also register for Béaloideas in second year.

Please note: the second year Béaloideas programme will only run subject to the enrolment of the specified minimum number of 6 students.

Béaloideas: Ba chóir go mbeadh íosghrád H4 sa Ghaeilge i Scrúdú na hArdteistiméireachta (nó a chomhionann) ag mic léinn ar mian leo Béaloideas a roghnú. Tugtar na léachtaí san ábhar seo trí mheán na Gaeilge. Ní ceadmhach do mhic léinn Béaloideas agus Folklore a roghnú in éineacht. Ba chóir do mhic léinn a bhfuil sé ar intinn acu iarratas a dhéanamh ar aistriú go dtí an BA (Idirnáisiúnta), agus Chinese Studies nó teangacha na hEorpa a dhéanamh mar Ábhar Aonair, mar Mhórábhar nó mar Chomhábhar sa dara bliain, a thabhairt faoi deara go gcuirfidh san bac orthu clárú le haghaidh Béaloideas sa dara bliain.

Nóta tábhachtach: ní rithfear an dara bliain den chúrsa céime Béaloideas ach an t-íosmhéid de sheisear mac léinn a bheith cláraithe.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements