Bachelor of Applied Social Studies (Ordinary)


Alternative Pathway for Students not Proceeding to Fourth Social Work

The Bachelor of Applied Social Studies (BASS) (Ordinary) Level 7 is an alternative degree pathway for students who do not satisfy the pass standard for the placement modules (SS3206 and SS3207) in Third Year of the BSW programme over the summer and/or Autumn Supplemental Examinations, or who decide not to continue with their professional training in the BSW programme. Such students may opt instead to register for the Bachelor of Applied Social Studies (BASS) (Hons). On successful completion of Third Bachelor of Applied Social Studies, these students may exit with a Bachelor of Applied Social Studies (BASS) (Ordinary) Level 7.

Students also have the option to progress to Fourth Bachelor of Applied Social Studies where, on successful completion, they qualify with a Bachelor of Applied Social Studies (BASS) (Hons) Level 8.

Note: Students who opt for this Pathway are not eligible to be considered for registration with the Social Workers Registration Board.

Note: Exemptions in relevant modules passed as part of BSW III will be carried over to BASS III.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements