BComm (Hons) (International) with French - CK205 (for students who entered prior to 2022/23)


The BComm (Hons) (International) is being replaced by a new degree, the BSc (Hons) (International Business with Languages) on a phased basis, commencing in September 2022.

First Year - Commerce (International) with French

First Year is only offered to students who did not progress to Second Year in 2022/23 or 2023/24.

To be admitted to the First University Examination in Commerce (International) with French a student must have satisfactorily attended prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits.

In addition to the General Regulations for passing the year, to progress to Second Year of the BComm (Hons) (International) with French, students must pass  FR1101 (10 credits).

Second Year - Commerce (International) with French

Second Year is only offered to students who did not progress to Third Year in 2023/24.

No student may register for the Second Year programme of study until the First University Examination in Commerce (International) with French has been passed. Second Year consists of core Commerce modules to the value of 35 credits and French modules to the value of 25 credits. To be admitted to the Second University Examination in Commerce (International) with French a student must have satisfactorily attended modules to the value of 60 credits.

In addition to the General Regulations for passing Second Year, to progress to Third Year of the BComm (Hons) (International) with French, students must pass module FR2101 (10 credits).

Third Year - Commerce (International) with French

This full academic year is spent pursuing approved programmes of study in a country of the student's major continental language. Programmes taken will be validated by the host institution. To fulfil requirements for the successful completion of this year, a student must achieve a pass standard, as applied by the host institution, on a set of courses approved by the School of Business, UCC. Marks shall be submitted to the Autumn Examination Board, UCC with a Supplemental Board in Winter. Failed elements of continuous assessment must be re-submitted. Where failed elements are re-submitted, a student will continue his or her studies subject to passing the winter examination board.

Fourth Year - Commerce (International) with French

No student may register for the Fourth Year programme of study until they have successfully completed the Third Year of the programme. To be admitted to the BComm (Hons) (International) with French Degree Examination, a student must have satisfactorily attended prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements