BSc (Hons) (Food Science and Technology)


(Dual Degree)

The BSc (Hons) Food Science and Technology is a four year programme delivered in partnership with Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU) with whom University College Cork has a bilateral agreement under statute 263 of the National University of Ireland. This programme leads to a dual degree which is awarded independently from both institutions.

Students will study for two years at BTBU, and for two years at University College Cork, taking modules to the value of 60 credits in each of Third and Fourth Years. When studying at UCC a student may not register for more than 60 credits in any one academic year.

First Year - Food Science and Technology

This year is spent pursuing the BSc Food Science and Engineering at BTBU with whom UCC signs a bilateral agreement.

Second Year - Food Science and Technology

This year is spent pursuing the BSc Food Science and Engineering at BTBU with whom UCC signs a bilateral agreement.

Third Year - Food Science and Technology

In order to be admitted to the Third University Examination in Food Science and Technology a student must have satisfactorily attended prescribed modules amounting to 60 credits.

Fourth Year - Food Science and Technology

In order to be admitted to the Fourth University Examination in Food Science and Technology a student must have satisfactorily attended prescribed modules amounting to 60 credits comprising core modules to the value of 50 credits, and elective modules to the value of 10 credits.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements