BSc (Hons) (Nutritional Sciences) - CK504


The BSc (Hons) (Nutritional Sciences) Degree is of four years' duration. The programme includes a 24-week period of Work Placement in the Third Year. The programme is accredited by the Association for Nutrition (AfN), as part of our accreditation, all students joining the programme from academic year 2024-25 will be subject to the UCC Fitness to Practice policy.

First Year - Nutritional Sciences

In order to be admitted to the First University Examination in Nutritional Sciences a student must have satisfactorily attended, subsequent to entry to the programme, modules amounting to 60 credits. To fulfil accreditation requirements students must independently pass all assessed elements in the following core modules: NT1001 Introductory Nutrition, NT1002 Human Nutrition: Energy and Macronutrients.

Second Year - Nutritional Sciences

No student may register for Second Year Nutritional Sciences until the First University Examination in Nutritional Sciences has been passed. To be admitted to the Second University Examination in Nutritional Sciences a student must have satisfactorily attended the following modules amounting to 60 credits. To fulfil accreditation requirements students must independently pass all assessed elements in the following core modules: NT2002 Human Nutrition: Minerals and Vitamins, NT2003 Animal Nutrition, NT2009 Nutrition in Growth, Development and Ageing.

Third Year - Nutritional Sciences

The Third Year Nutritional Sciences programme consists of taught modules to the value of 50 credits and Work Placement to the value of 10 credits. No student may register for Third Year Nutritional Sciences until the Second University Examination in Nutritional Sciences has been passed. To be admitted to the Third University Examination in Nutritional Sciences a student must have satisfactorily attended the following taught modules amounting to 50 credits. To fulfil accreditation requirements students must independently pass all assessed elements in the following core modules: NT3001 Clinical Nutrition, NT3002 Food Toxicology & Safety, NT3009 Determinants of Food Choice and Eating Behaviour, NT3011 Research and Analytical Techniques in Nutrition, NT3012 Scientific Writing, Communication and Professional Skills, NT3014 Assessment of Nutritional Status.


The Third University Examination in Nutritional Sciences will be undertaken in March/April.

Work Placement

Students must also undertake a 24-week period of Work Placement (FS3001 10 credits) after the Third University Examination.

Students who do not secure a work placement position by April 30 each year, or who are debarred from examination in any module in Third Food Science Programme, will take FS3100 Food Industry Skills (10 credits).

Fourth Year - Nutritional Sciences

The Fourth Year Nutritional Sciences programme consists of taught modules to the value of 50 credits and a Research Project (NT4006 Research Project) to the value of 10 credits.

Students who fail or do not undertake FS3001 Work Placement or FS3100 Food Industry Skills must repeat or take this module after the BSc (Hons) Nutritional Sciences Degree Examination has been completed.  To be allowed to graduate a student must have passed  either FS3001 or FS3100. To be admitted to the Fourth University Examination in Nutritional Sciences a student must have satisfactorily attended the following modules amounting to 60 credits.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements