BSc (Hons) in Applied Economics - CK212


The BSc (Hons) in Applied Economics is a four-year degree programme, which enables students to go on a 6-month UCC-approved work placement or to study abroad for a year in an approved University outside Ireland.

First Year

In First Year students take Economics (45 credits) together with one other subject (15 credits) from those listed below.

  • Group 1: Asian Studies, Computer Science, History, Portuguese
  • Group 2(a): History of Art
  • Group 2(b): Applied Mathematics, European Studies, Folklore, Greek and Roman Civilisation, Gaeilge/Irish
  • Group 3: Archaeology, Chinese Studies, German, Latin, Mathematics, Mathematical Studies, Politics
  • Group 4: French, Sociology, Studies in Music
  • Group 6(a): Geography, Italian
  • Group 6(b): Celtic Civilisation, Philosophy, Spanish

See here for Points to Note regarding the above subject choices.

Students may not select modules which involve a timetable clash.

Second Year

No student may register for Second Year until they have passed the First University Examination in Applied Economics.

In Second Year students take modules to the value of 60 credits in Economics.

Third Year

No student may register for Third Year until they have passed the Second University Examination in Applied Economics.

Students can complete the Third Year (1) in UCC or (2) at a University abroad.

  1. Students completing Third Year in UCC take modules to the value of 60 credits in Economics, including either a Work Placement or a Research Project. The taught modules will take place from September to December. Students may not select modules that involve a timetable clash. The placement/research project will run from January to June.
  2. A limited number of students may be allowed to take their Third Year at an approved university in another country. This option is only available to students who obtain at least 60% in their First University Examination in Applied Economics. Applications should be submitted to the International Office (IO) in January in Second Year (contact IO for application deadline). Where the demand exceeds the number of available places, adjudication will be based on the student's performance in the first University Examination in Applied Economics. 
    To fulfill requirements for the successful completion of the year abroad, a student must achieve a pass standard, as applied by the host institution, on a set of courses approved by the programme directors. Students will be asked to complete a workload broadly equivalent to (a) 60 ECTS credits or (b) 288 teaching contact hours over an academic year.

Fourth Year

No student may register for Fourth Year until they have passed the Third University Examination in Applied Economics. 

In Fourth Year students take modules to the value of 60 credits in Economics. Students may not select modules which involve a timetable clash. 

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements