Biological Sciences


The Second Science Biological Sciences programme consists of compulsory modules to the value of 55 credits, and additional elective modules to the value of 5 credits. In Third Science, students enter the honours degree programme in Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Neuroscience or Physiology. Students in Biochemistry, Microbiology and Neuroscience may elect to take a 5-credit optional work placement module in Third Year.


There will be a total of 120 places available in Second Science Biological Sciences. Quotas apply for all other degree outlets – please see specific degree outlets for further details. Students who opt to enter Biological Sciences will be offered a place in order of merit based on their First Year University Examination results. In determining aggregation and progression, full marks obtained in all modules passed at the Summer Examination Board in the first attempt plus capped marks obtained in modules in Supplemental and Repeat Year Examinations are used unless mitigation has been granted by an Examination Board.

Note: entry to specific degree programmes in Third Science is also subject to quotas for each discipline.

Second Year - Biological Sciences

Students enter Second Biological Sciences from First Biological and Chemical Sciences (CK402) and can proceed to a BSc (Hons) Degree in Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Neuroscience or Physiology.

Third Year - Biological Sciences

Degree Outlets, Quotas and Transfers

In Third Science, students enter the honours degree programme in one of the following:

Entry to the degree programmes is subject to quotas (See Quotas below). Each year of a degree programme has a core of compulsory modules and a specified number of elective modules to the total value of 60 credits.

Transfers into Third Year Biological Sciences may be possible for students who have met programme requirements. Please consult the relevant Head of School/Department.


All students who pass the Second University Examination in Science may enter an honours degree programme in Third Science but entry to a particular programme is subject to a quota. Quota selection will be based on the aggregate of second year results in core modules. In filling the quotas, preference will be given to students passing the Second University Examination in Science in the first year of registration for the Second University Examination in Science, and in order of merit of aggregate marks obtained thereat. Remaining places, if any, will be filled in order of merit without distinction as to when the examination was completed. The decision as to the filling of such remaining places will be made after the results of the Autumn Supplemental Examination are known. The quotas for entry to the various degree programmes in Third Science are presented in the Table below.

Third Degree Outlet Quota
Biochemistry 30
Biotechnology 20
Microbiology 30
Neuroscience 15
Physiology 15

Students who have passed Third Year may choose not to proceed to Fourth Year and may opt instead to be conferred with a BSc Ordinary Degree.

Fourth Year - Biological Sciences

In Fourth Science students take modules to the value of 60 credits.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements