BSc (Hons) (Government) [CK210] (for students who entered prior to 2019/20)
First Year - Government
Commencing in 2019/20 the BSc (Hons) (Government and Political Science) will replace the BSc (Hons) (Government) degree. This will be implemented on a phased basis starting with First Years in 2019/20. Students who entered First Year in 2019/20 will register for the BSc (Hons) Government and Political Science degree.
Second Year - Government
Commencing in 2019/20 the BSc (Hons) (Government and Political Science) will replace the BSc (Hons) (Government) degree. This will be implemented on a phased basis starting with First Years in 2019/20. Students who entered First Year in 2019/20 will register for the BSc (Hons) Government and Political Science degree.
Third Year - Government
Commencing in 2019/20 the BSc (Hons) (Government and Political Science) will replace the BSc (Hons) (Government) degree. This will be implemented on a phased basis starting with First Years in 2019/20. Students who entered First Year in 2019/20 will register for the BSc (Hons) Government and Political Science degree.
Fourth Year - Government
No student may register for the Fourth Year programme of study until the Third University Examination in Government has been passed. In Fourth Year, students take modules to the value of 60 credits in total. At least 40 credits of GV modules must be taken which includes 20 credits of core modules plus a minimum of 20 credits of GV electives. To be admitted to the BSc (Hons) Government Degree Examination, a student must have satisfactorily attended modules to the value of 60 credits.
Students may not select a language module where there is a timetable clash or which has already been taken at the same level in a previous year (e.g. students who took FR1905 in Third Year may not take FR1105 Threshold French in Fourth Year etc.).
Note: The following conditions apply to Language modules:
- GA and Language modules - the level at which a student is permitted to take a particular GA or Language module will be determined by an assessment carried out at the start of the first Semester, by Roinn na Nua-Ghaeilge in the case of GA coded modules, and the relevant Department in the case of other Language modules.
Programme Requirements
For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements.