BSc (Hons) (International Development) - CK214


The BSc (Hons) in International Development is a four-year programme offered by the School of Business. The programme includes a 22-week period of Work Placement in the Third Year.

First Year - International Development

In order to be admitted to the First University Examination in International Development a student must have satisfactorily attended prescribed modules amounting to 60 credits comprising core modules to the value of 50 credits, and elective modules to the value of 10 credits.

Second Year - International Development

In order to be admitted to the Second University Examination in International Development a student must have satisfactorily attended prescribed modules amounting to 60 credits comprising core modules to the value of 45 credits, and elective modules to the value of 15 credits.

Third Year - International Development

In order to be admitted to the Third University Examination in International Development a student must have satisfactorily attended prescribed modules amounting to 60 credits comprising core modules to the value of 40 credits, elective modules to the value of 5 credits and a Development Work Placement module or Research Project to the value of 15 credits. The Third University Examination in International Development will be undertaken in March/April.

Work Placement

Students undertake the 22-week period of Work Placement (FE3013 - 15 credits) after the Third University Examination. In certain special extenuating circumstances as discussed and agreed by the Programme Director, a student may be able to participate in FE3355 (15 credits) in lieu of undertaking work placement.

Fourth Year - International Development

In order to be admitted to the Fourth University Examination in International Development a student must have satisfactorily attended prescribed modules amounting to 60 credits comprising core modules to the value of 40 credits and elective modules to the value of 20 credits.

Repeat Year Arrangements

The title of this programme changed from BSc (Hons) (International Development and Food Policy) to BSc (Hons) (International Development) for students entering the programme from 2020/21 onwards. The programme was also revised with changes being implemented on a phased basis with the new title. Students who entered the programme prior to 2020/21 and are required subsequently to repeat one or more modules in a repeat year will do so under the revised curriculum and associated regulations (detailed on the Programme Requirements tab). In the event that a student fails one or more modules that are not available in the repeat year, special repeat arrangements will be made for that student. This may entail studying new material (not previously covered in the old curriculum) in the repeat year, as part or whole substitution for the module(s) failed, and/or may require students to take equivalent credits in the repeat year and/or subsequent years. A similar arrangement will apply for students who take a year or more leave of absence.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements