BSc (Hons) Paramedic Studies (Practitioner Entry)


This is a two year programme leading to a University Degree in Paramedic Studies. This programme is delivered online.
To be admitted to the Degree Examination in Paramedic Studies, each student must have attended prescribed modules amounting to 120 credits.

Medical School Student Declaration

All students are required to sign an annual Student Declaration as well as confirming their acceptance of the University Student rules. The Student Declaration clearly outlines student rights and student responsibilities as registered students of the UCC School of Medicine. Copies of the Declaration are available from the Medical School Office on request.


Mentoring is available from the Programme Co-ordinators overseeing the programme as part of a strategy for maintaining active awareness of issues relating to student welfare, well-being and optimal learning.

Student Welfare/Complaints

The Student Board wishes to offer students in the School of Medicine assistance, backup and pastoral care with the choice of anonymity. Please contact the Medical School Office for further information.

This programme does not lead to a PHECC (Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council) registrable qualification.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements