BSc (Hons) Science Education (for students who entered prior to 2023/24)
Entry to this programme from September 2024 is via the Direct Entry Route into Third Year only. Alternatively students may register for the CK413 BEd Science Education programme.
Direct Entry into Third Year
This entry route is designed for graduates of Physics or Chemistry or Biology or Agricultural Science or Computer Studies who wish to teach their specialist subject(s) to the highest standard at secondary school level. Applicants who hold a degree (at least NFQ Level 7) in Physics or Chemistry or Biology or Agricultural Science or Computer Studies which satisfies the requirements of the Teaching Council for recognition to teach the subject to the highest level in secondary school or an equivalent qualification may enter this programme in Third Year and take ED2101, ED2102, ED3101 and ED3102 in Third Year before proceeding to Fourth Year. Students who enter the programme via this route must pass ED2101, ED2102, ED3101 and ED3102 in Third Year before proceeding to Fourth Year. To facilitate Direct Entry applications, all Education lectures are delivered in the evening.
Applications must be submitted to the Undergraduate Admissions Office, West Wing, UCC. All applications must be accompanied with written certification from the Teaching Council indicating that the degree held by the applicant satisfies the requirements of the Teaching Council for recognition to teach that subject. In cases where large numbers of applications are received, interviews may be used as part of the selection process.
Garda Vetting
Students, or applicants in receipt of an offer, on this programme will be subject to Garda Vetting as relevant. Students will be prohibited from engaging in a relevant work placement unless the vetting process has been cleared. Click here to view UCC's Student Garda Vetting Policy.
Fitness to Practise
Commencing with the 2013/2014 intake of first year students (including repeats), this programme will be subject to the University's Fitness to Practise Policy - full details may be found here.
Second Year - Science Education
In Second Science, students take the prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits from one of following routes:
- Route 1 - Chemistry and Education
- Route 2 - Physics and Education
- Route 3 - Biology and Education
Students must pass ED2102 in order to be eligible to progress to Third Year of the programme. There is no Autumn Supplemental Examination in Second Year for students failing ED2101 and ED2102.
Third Year - Science Education
In Second Science, students take the prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits from one of following routes:
- Route 1 - Chemistry and Education
- Route 2 - Physics and Education
- Route 3 - Biology and Education
Students must pass ED3102 before proceeding to Fourth Year. There is no Autumn Supplemental Examination in Third Year for students failing ED3101 and ED3102.
Fourth Year - Science Education
Students take modules to the value of 60 credits.
Tutorials and Microteaching
Students will be required to attend tutorials and microteaching sessions.
Programme Requirements
For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements.