BSW (Hons) - CK115


The Honours Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) is a four-year, full-time programme that integrates university-based and agency-based learning in order to provide students with academic and professional learning opportunities to develop social work knowledge, skills and values.

To be eligible for the award of the BSW degree a student will be required to have achieved 240 credits by obtaining 60 credits in each of First, Second, Third and Fourth BSW. A student may not register for more than 60 credits in one academic year (or QQI equivalent in Year one of the BSW Tertiary Degree).


The BSW Degree is a professional training programme accredited by the Health and Social Care Professionals Council (CORU). As a professional training programme, social work students are required to attend every class of each module (including fieldwork placements) unless unavoidably prevented from doing so. If a student's attendance falls below 80% in any module, he/she will be required to repeat that module. 

Leave of Absence

Students intending to take leave of absence of a year or more must make an  application to the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Office not later than March of the preceding academic year. Permission will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.

First Year - Social Work

First Year Social Work BSW students study prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits in the five subject areas of Applied Psychology, Economics, Social Policy, Social Work, and Sociology. 

First Social Work BSW (Tertiary Degree) students study prescribed modules to the value of 120 QQI  credits + 10 credits in UCC Social Work Theory, Methods and Skills. In addition, guest lectures in Social Policy must be attended.  The  subject areas in Cork College of FET include Psychology, Social Studies, Human Growth & Development, Intercultural Studies, Legal Practice & Procedures, Economics, Communications and Work Experience.

Second Year - Social Work

To progress to Second Year, students must pass the First University Examination in Social Work. In order to be admitted to the Second University Examination in Social Work, a student must have satisfactorily attended the prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits in all the subjects of his/her programme including the practice fieldwork.

To progress to Second Year, students on the BSW Tertiary Degree must pass the full QQI Level 5 award (8 modules to the value of 120 QQI credits) with a minimum of 3 module distinctions that cannot include the work experience module. They must also achieve a pass grade in SS1202 Introduction to Social Work Theory Methods and Skills. 

BSocSc option to trasfer to BSW2

From 2025 onwards, students who have passed the first year of the BSocSc (CK102) may apply to register for the second year of the Bachelor of Social Work (CK115). Upon successful completion of the first year of the BSocSc, including the prerequisite module – SS1012 (Social Practice and the Social Professions), students who have notified their intention to transfer, will be eligible to apply for the second year of the BSW. The allocation of a place on the second year of the BSW will be subject to a selection process. Please note that there is a limit of 10 places available. Students who wish to transfer to the second year of the BSW must notify the School of Applied Social Studies in writing of their intention to do so by the first Friday of July at the end of their first year of studying the BSocSc. Students who do not transfer to the BSW may continue on the BSocSc.

Third Year - Social Work

To progress to Third Year, students must pass the Second University Examination in Social Work. In order to be admitted to the Third University Examination in Social Work, a student must have satisfactorily attended the prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits in all the subjects of his/her programme including the placement.

Third Bachelor of Applied Social Studies - Alternative Pathway for Students not Proceeding to Fourth Social Work

The Bachelor of Applied Social Studies (BASS) (Ordinary) Level 7/BASS (Hons) Level 8 is an alternative degree pathway for students who do not satisfy the pass standard for the placement modules (SS3206 and SS3207) in Third Year of the BSW programme over the summer and/or Autumn Supplemental Examinations, or who decide not to continue with their professional training in the BSW programme. Such students may opt instead to register for the Bachelor of Applied Social Studies (BASS) (Hons). On successful completion of Third Bachelor of Applied Social Studies, these students may exit with a Bachelor of Applied Social Studies (BASS) (Ordinary) Level 7. Students also have the option to progress to Fourth Bachelor of Applied Social Studies where, on successful completion, they qualify with a Bachelor of Applied Social Studies (BASS) (Hons) Level 8.

Note: Students who opt for this Pathway are not eligible to be considered for registration with the Social Workers Registration Board.

Note: Exemptions in relevant modules passed as part of BSW III will be carried over to BASS III.

Fourth Year - Social Work

To progress to Fourth Year, students must pass the Third University Examination in Social Work and satisfied all other requirements specified for the Third Year.  In order to be admitted to the BSW (Hons) Degree Examination, a student must have satisfactorily attended the prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits in all the subjects of his/her programme including the placement. In order to be awarded the BSW (Hons) Degree, candidates must have satisfactorily completed their practice placement.

Fourth Bachelor of Applied Social Studies - Alternative Pathway for Students not Completing Fourth Social Work or who have completed BASS (Ordinary)

The Bachelor of Applied Social Studies (BASS) (Hons) is an alternative degree pathway for students who do not satisfy the pass standard for the placement modules (SS4208 and SS4209) in Year 4 of the BSW programme over the Summer and/or Autumn Supplemental Examinations or who decide not to continue with their professional training in the BSW programme. This option is also available to students who have completed BASS (Ordinary) Level 7. Such students may opt instead to register for the Bachelor of Applied Social Studies (BASS) (Hons) and to make up the remaining credits, to a total of 60, from the list of modules for Fourth BASS, in consultation with the School of Applied Social Studies, to be submitted to the Summer Examination Board. After successfully completing these modules these students will then qualify with a Bachelor of Applied Social Studies (BASS) (Hons).

Note: Students who opt for this Pathway are not eligible to be considered for registration with the Social Workers Registration Board.

Note: Exemptions in relevant modules passed as part of BSW IV will be carried over to BASS IV.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements