This diploma programme is available only to students in Non-EU Universities with whom UCC has a bilateral agreement under Statute 263 of the National University of Ireland. Having studied for at least two full academic years at such a Non-EU University, students will study for one year at University College Cork, taking the programme to a value of 60 credits.
Programme Requirements
For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements.
Programme Requirements
The programme comprises 60 credits.
To be considered for the award of Diploma in Arts and Social Sciences a student must have satisfactorily attended and passed undergraduate modules to the value of 60 credits from a list of modules approved for Non-EU students by the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences and a Non-EU University with whom UCC has a bilateral agreement under Statute 263 of the National University of Ireland, and subject to timetabling and other constraints. LL4001 Contemporary Translation Theory and Practice (5 credits) has also been designed specifically for students of this programme and maybe be selected as part of the 60 credits. Where a module has prerequisites (as specified in the module description), a student must satisfy this prerequisite by demonstrating, to the satisfaction of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, that a similar module has been passed in the student’s Non-EU University.
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards Book and for each module in the Book of Modules.
Programme Learning Outcomes
Programme Learning Outcomes for the Diploma in Arts and Social Sciences (NFQ Level 7, Special Purpose Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
Effectively utilize theories, concepts, models, and frameworks as apparatus of thought for decision-making in matters related to the arts/social sciences;
Gain broad understanding of the key issues and debates in the fields of the arts/social sciences that you have selected. OR: Become acquainted with the key literature in the fields of arts/social sciences;
Conduct, analyse and interpret research in arts/social sciences;
Know the place and specifics of the arts and social sciences in today's contemporary society;
Know how to work responsibly, thoroughly, independently and quickly and to organise your work so as to be able to effectively collaborate with colleagues;
Communicate your thinking, ideas, and analysis of arts/social science matters through writing essays, reports, preparing and making presentations, and engaging in public deliberations.