Diploma in Food Studies


This Diploma programme is available only to students of UCC's international partner institutions with which UCC has a bilateral agreement. Having studied for three years at a partner university, students will study for one year at University College Cork, taking the programme to a value of 60 credits as outlined below.

To be considered for the award of University Diploma in Food Studies a student must have satisfactorily attended undergraduate modules to the value of 60 credits from the modules listed in Programme Requirements as part of a programme of study agreed by the School of Food and Nutritional Sciences and the partner institution, and subject to timetabling and other constraints to a maximum of 40 examined credits in any one Semester. Where a module has prerequisites (as specified in the module description), a student must satisfy this prerequisite by demonstrating, to the satisfaction of the School of Food and Nutritional Sciences that a similar module has been passed in the partner institution.

Admission to Higher Degrees

Students who obtain a minimum grade equivalent to Second Class Honours Grade I in their bachelor's degree from their home university and a minimum of Second Class Honours Grade I in the Diploma in Food Studies are eligible to apply for admission to higher degrees offered by the School of Food and Nutritional Sciences.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements