Evening BCL (Hons) (not on offer 2023/24)


NFQ Level 8, Major Award

The Evening BCL (Hons) may be awarded following a four-year evening programme. A Diploma in Law is awarded on successful completion of Second Year. The programme is normally available on a cyclical basis (with an intake of students in 2021/22).


  1. The content of the modules will be the same as the corresponding BCL (Hons) programme offered by day.
  2. In the case of each of the elective modules in the Third and Fourth years of the programme, the selection of modules will be subject to the possibility that a module may not be offered in a particular session or may not run if insufficient numbers select that module; to the availability of modules generally; and to timetable restrictions.
  3. Additional electives to those listed under Third or Fourth Years may be made available in any particular session.
  4. Students will not be permitted to register for any modules which are not taught for that year on the Evening BCL (Hons) programme unless the permission of the Head of School is obtained in advance of registration. Similarly, students are not permitted to attend BCL (Hons) lectures in any module by day, even where this module is offered as part of the Evening BCL (Hons) programme, unless the permission of the Head of School and the appropriate lecturer has been obtained in advance of that attendance.

First Year - Evening BCL

First Year consists of core modules to the value of 40 credits. In order to be admitted to the First University Examination for the Evening BCL a student must have satisfactorily attended prescribed modules to the value of 40 credits.

Second Year - Evening BCL

Second Year consists of core modules to the value of 40 credits. In order to be admitted to the Second University Examination for the Evening BCL (Hons), a student must have: (a) passed the First University Examination for the Evening BCL; and (b) subsequently attended in a satisfactory manner, prescribed modules to the value of 40 credits.

Exit Award: Diploma in Law

Students who successfully complete Years 1 and 2 (80 credits) will be conferred with a Diploma in Law (NFQ Level 7, Minor Award). If a student chooses not to continue with the Evening BCL degree programme, this Diploma will constitute an exit award.

Third Year - Evening BCL

Third Year consists of core modules to the value of either 15 or 25 credits and elective modules to the value of either 35 or 25 credits. In order to be admitted to the Third University Examination for the Evening BCL, a student must either have: (a) passed the Second University Examination for the Evening BCL; or (b) obtained qualification(s) approved by the School as at least equivalent to passes in the First and Second University Examinations. In the case of (b), the numbers admitted may be limited. In addition, whether in the case of (a) or (b), a student must have satisfactorily attended prescribed modules to the value of 50 credits.

Fourth Year - Evening BCL

Fourth Year consists of core modules to the value of 15 or 25 credits and elective modules to the value of either 35 or 25 credits. In order to be admitted to the Evening BCL (Hons) Degree Examination, a student must have: (a) passed the Third University Examination for the Evening BCL; and (b) subsequently attended in a satisfactory manner prescribed modules to the value of 50 credits.

Workload Guideline

In Years containing elective modules, it is recommended that students do not take any more than 30 credits in any semester. Students are therefore advised to choose their modules so that the workload is evenly spread throughout the year.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements