

The Pharmacy programme is an MPharm degree (Master of Pharmacy) (NFQ level 9). The Pharmacy regulator (the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, PSI) now requires graduates to have completed a Masters degree of Pharmacy before entering the PSI Register and practising as a Pharmacist. Students studying Pharmacy complete an integrated BPharm/MPharm programme over 5 years of study. Once students have passed the first four years (BPharm) they can progress to the fifth year (MPharm).

Regulations for the BPharm/MPharm (Hons) Degree

The programme is defined in terms of modules, which are measured in terms of credits. A module may correspond to 5 credits or multiples of 5 credits. One year of a degree programme consists of modules to a total value of 60 credits in years 1 to 4. The final year is a level 9 qualification (MPharm) and will consist of modules to a total value of 90 credits.

First Year - Pharmacy

See BPharm for details

Second Year - Pharmacy

See BPharm for details

Third Year - Pharmacy

See BPharm for details

Fourth Year - Pharmacy

See BPharm for details

Fifth Year - Pharmacy

Students who obtain their BPharm above are invited to progress to the fifth year MPharm programme.

No student may register for the Fifth Year programme of study until the Fourth University Examination has been passed. To be admitted to the MPharm Degree Examination, a student must therefore have satisfactorily attended modules to the value of 90 credits.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements