MRes (Master of Research) in Biochemistry and Biosciences


The MRes in Biochemistry and Biosciences is a full-time programme running over 12 months or part-time over 24 months from the date of first registration for the programme. Applications will be accepted for a start date in October or January for full-time entry and in October for part-time entry. The programme consists of

  1. a major research thesis and
  2. taught modules on generic and transferable skills, with an emphasis on scientific writing, oral presentations, and general research skills.

Part-time study for this programme is available over 24 months from the date of first registration in October for industry-based projects, with the permission of the Programme Director and Head of School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology.

Students undertake a total workload equivalent to 90 credits over the 12 month programme, the principal element of which is the completion of a major research thesis of approximately 25,000 words. In parallel, students must take and pass taught modules to the value of 20 credits.

See also Procedures for Submission and Examination of Research Masters Degrees.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements