MSc (Health Professions' Education)


The MSc (Health Professions' Education) is an online programme. The programme runs over two years. Year 1 runs over an academic year (nine months) and Year 2 runs over a calendar year (twelve months). There is no work placement element to the programme; however, students are expected to have access to teaching opportunities to allow completion of compulsory assignments.

Entry to the programme is via the Postgraduate Certificate in Health Professions' Education. All students will be registered for the Postgraduate Certificate in Health Professions' Education in the first instance.

Note: Students wishing to progress to the MSc in Health Professions' Education in year 2 must note their interest to the programme director before the start of Year 2. Students may also complete the MSc in a year subsequent to completion of the PG Diploma (in Year 2). Students must complete the MSc programme within 3 academic years from the date of successful completion of the Postgraduate Diploma Examinations.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements