Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing (Oncology Nursing) Not on offer 24/25


The Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing is a part-time programme running for 6 months from the date of first registration for the programme. The Certificate has three pathways and applicants choose their pathway at the application stage. The pathways are as follows:

Pathway 1: Gerontological Nursing
Pathway 3: Medical and Surgical Nursing
Pathway 7: Oncology Nursing

Pathways 2, 4, 5 and 6 have been discontinued.

Students choose one of the available pathways and complete modules to the value of 30 credits.

MSc in Nursing with Postgraduate Diploma exit awards

Candidates who successfully complete all modules to the value of 30 credits in the Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing programme may apply to transfer into the relevant clinical speciality, where available, of the MSc (Nursing) /Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing programme. On transferring, candidates will be granted exemptions in modules to the value of 30 credits already completed on the Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing and which are part of the relevant clinical pathway on the MSc/Postgraduate Diploma exit. Following transfer, candidates will have the option of exiting with a Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing following completion of the remaining 30 credits in the relevant pathway. A candidate who wishes to continue progression for the degree of Master must complete the programme within 5 academic years from the date of successful completion of the Postgraduate Diploma Examinations, subject to the programme being available.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements