The Postgraduate Diploma in English as an Additional Language is a full-time but flexibly taught programme (blended [online + in person] during evenings and weekends), running for 10 months from September-June.
Programme Requirements
For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements.
Programme Requirements
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
| |
ED6701 | Practice-Based Theories, Concepts and Approaches in EAL | 15 |
ED6702 | Developing Plurilingual Competence and Pluriliteracies in Emergent Bilinguals | 15 |
ED6703 | Plurilingual Competence and Pluriliteracies in Advancing Bilinguals | 15 |
ED6704 | Developing Inclusive Plurilingual/Cultural Provision in Professional Settings | 15 |
Total Credits | 60 |
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards Book and for each module in the Book of Modules.
Programme Learning Outcomes
Programme Learning Outcomes for Postgraduate Diploma in English as an Additional Language (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
Reflect critically on the existing policy frameworks that promote and support multilingualism in educational settings that respond to societal demographic change.
Engage critically with current concepts, pedagogies and approaches central to classroom-based EAL interventions including a practice-based approach to SLA, translanguaging, communicative/integrated approaches, mediation, and the social justice classroom in a pluri-lingual/cultural framework.
Apply established pedagogies and approaches to classroom and/or whole school planning, including through heritage/home language provision, to support the (pluri)literacies development of students with EAL at all stages of the educational spectrum.
Reflect critically on the role of the classroom teacher, school, parents, and communities (home and heritage) in the social and academic development of the child with EAL.
Develop and evaluate methods for assessing the communicative competencies and academic attainment and progress of students with EAL across the educational spectrum.
Design, undertake and critically evaluate a needs analysis project in a classroom or whole school environment to establish/support/develop EAL provision.