Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Neonatology Nursing)


The MSc (Nursing) programme comprising of 7 clinical pathways is structured into 2 parts and will typically be completed over 2 years from the date of first registration for the programme (i.e. 60 credits in Part 1 and 30 credits in Part 2).

All students will be registered for a Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing in their First Year and will be registered for a MSc in their Second Year. Students who opt to exit at the end of the first year will be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing upon successful completion and passing modules to the value of 60 credits (applicable to all pathways).

A student who subsequently wishes to continue progression for the degree of Master must complete the programme within 5 academic years from the date of successful completion of the Postgraduate Diploma Examinations, subject to the programme being available.

Note - Recognition of prior learning: Applicants who already have completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing programme to the value to 30 credits will be granted exemptions for these modules in the relevant MSc/Postgraduate Diploma exit pathway (applicable to pathways 3, 8, and 11). For Pathway 2, applicants who have already completed NU5098 or equivalent to the value of 10 credits may be eligible for an exemption for NU6171.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements