Postgraduate Diploma in Special Operations Medicine


The Postgraduate Diploma in Special Operations Medicine is a part-time, closed-recruitment programme offered in collaboration with NATO Special Operations Headquarters (NSHQ) to existing NATO (and NATO Partnership for Peace) military medical personnel.

All modules will be released as micro-credentials. Students will register for and take each module as a micro-credential when released from operational duties to attend the face-to-face workshop elements of that module. Students who successfully complete the required number of credits within the required timeframe will be eligible for an award as follows:

The Postgraduate Diploma in Special Operations Medicine is a modular programme which can be undertaken in a flexible timescale within a five-year period. The 60-credit programme comprises the Postgraduate Certificate in Special Operations Medicine (30 credits) and an additional 30 credits which must be completed within five years of completing the Postgraduate Certificate in Special Operations Medicine.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements