Postgraduate Diploma in Youth Work


The Postgraduate Diploma in Youth Work is available on a full-time basis only. The programme is delivered over 9 months from the date of first registration for the programme. Students take modules to the value of 60 credits.

Students are required to complete two practice placements in separate locations including:

  1. A short practice placement of 100 hours (Placement I).
  2. An intensive, block practice placement, which is a minimum of 10 weeks in duration, comprising 30 hours per week (Placement II).

Placements are selected by the student in consultation with the Fieldwork Placement Coordinator to assure the suitability of the agency. It is the responsibility of the student to source a suitable placement and to negotiate the placement terms with the placement agency. Where a student is unable to secure his/her own placement, the Placement Coordinator will assist in sourcing a suitable placement; however, the final responsibility for securing a placement rests with the student. All placements are subject to approval of the Fieldwork Placement Coordinator. Placements outside of Cork City are acceptable.

Successful completion of the programme awards a Postgraduate Diploma in Youth Work, which is recognised by the North/South Education and Training Standards Committee for Youth Work (NSETS).

Candidates must pass/progress within 2 academic years of the date of first registration for the programme.

Exit Award: Postgraduate Certificate in Youth Work (NFQ Level 9, Minor Award)

Upon satisfactory completion of 30 credits, to include modules, SS6020SS6022SS6036, and SS6037, students may opt to exit the programme and be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate in Youth Work. The Postgraduate Certificate in Youth Work is not professionally accredited. A student who subsequently applies to continue to Postgraduate Diploma must do so within 5 years of successful completion of the Certificate Examination.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements