PhD (Structured Population and Health Services Research Education) SPHeRE


NFQ Level 10, Major Award

The PhD (Structured Population and Health Services Research Education) is a cross-institutional Health Services Research Graduate Programme, which aims to improve health through quality healthcare management and delivery in the Irish system. This is to be achieved through development of a critical mass of PhD scholars who will excel in research, policy evaluation and translation of evidence into practice. The programme is multidisciplinary and collaborative, grounded in methodological rigor and diversity.

UCC regulations governing the PhD degree will apply to all UCC students on this programme. In addition, the following regulations apply specifically to students of the PhD (Structured Population and Health Services Research Education) programme and apply to UCC registered students only.

The programme is funded by the Health Research Board (HRB), and is offered collaboratively by UCC, TCD and the RCSI. The programme contains a number of components which support the student's PhD research and submission of a thesis. The design of the programme ensures exposure of the participants to the best HSR researchers in Ireland and offers them the opportunity to work in a HSR setting in Ireland and at an International location. A Steering Group and Advisory Committee, comprising academics and practitioners, guide the development of the programme to ensure its appropriateness and relevance.

The PhD (Structured Population and Health Services Research Education) is offered on a full-time basis over four years or on a part-time basis over six years. 

Full-time Programme

The total workload in each year is equivalent to 90 credits to yield a PhD (with equivalent student workload of 360 credits) in 4 years. 70 credits are for compulsory modules. Additional elective modules with a credit value of up to a maximum of 20 may also be taken at any time during the Programme with the agreement of the student's supervisory team. Students registered on this programme in UCC will be governed by UCC regulations in terms of monitoring and progression. This process may involve the inter-institutional programme team. In addition they will adhere to the specific programme requirements.

Part-time Programme

In some circumstances, arrangements may be made to take the programme part-time, over 6 years. In the case of part-time study, fees will be calculated on a pro rata basis. The total workload in each year is equivalent to 60 credits to yield a PhD (with equivalent student workload of 360 credits) in 6 years. 70 credits are for compulsory modules. Additional elective modules with a credit value of up to a maximum of 20 may also be taken at any time during the Programme with the agreement of the students supervisory team. Students registered on this programme in UCC will be governed by UCC regulations in terms of monitoring and progression. This process may involve the inter-institutional programme team. In addition they will adhere to the specific programme requirements.

More details about SPHeRE can be found here: 

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements