
MicroCreds - Microcredential Modules

For further information on applications, registration and examinations for Microcredentials, email microcreds@ucc.ie. On successful completion of a Microcredential(s), the learner will be provided with a relevant transcript of marks.

College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Studies

department of sociology and criminology

CR2022Inside-Out Criminal Justice and Social Justice10

School of Applied Social Studies

SS6808Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Awareness for Professional Practice5
SS6810Including people with intellectual disability in higher and further education5
SS6116Mentoring, Supervision and Talent Development in Social Work5

School of Film, Music and Theatre

DR6051Dialogues on Culture5
DR6052Arts Project Management5
DR1020Introduction to Inclusive Dance: Steps Toward Choreography5
DR1021Introduction to Inclusive Dance: Improvisation as a Method for Inclusion5
MU6061Neurodiversity: Embracing Creativity in the Music Classroom 5

School of Applied Psychology

AP5830Workplace Change: Practice and Skills 10
AP6056Building Workplace Resilience in Self and Others10

SCHOOL OF Languages, Literatures and Cultures

LL5007Localisation Essentials10

department of geography

GG6539 Introduction to Coastal and Marine Governance5


TL6009Digital Education for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education5
TL6010Inclusive Academic Practice for Research Supervision5
TL6101Tertiary Education Landscape 10
TL6102Innovative Practices in Higher Education 5
TL6103Reflective Leadership Practices10

College of Business and Law


BU6018Enabling Enterprise Growth Through Entrepreneurial Practice 10
BU6019Stakeholder Influencing for Enterprise Innovators 10

Irish Management Institute

IM6011Organisational Interventions and Sustainable Transformation5
IM6015Psychology of Negotiation5
IM6035Leading Cultural Change for Successful Digital Transformation5
IM6036Digital Innovation5
IM6061Financial Management5
IM6064Strategic People Management5
IM6116Leadership for Managers5

College of Medicine and Health

SCHOOL OF Medicine

AN6009Radiological Imaging5
AN6020Fundamentals of Human Structure5
AN6021Fundamentals of Human Motion5
AN6022Fundamentals of Neuroanatomy5
MD6017Special Operations Medical Planning and Support - Task Group10
MD6018Special Operations Medicine Programme Development5
MD6019Special Operations Surgical Team Development5
MD4020Extra-Mural Research and Innovation for Undergraduate Students: ROGUE5
MD6020Advanced Special Operations Surgical Team Development10
MD6021Combat Medical Simulation and Tactical Combat Casualty Care10
MD6022Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Medical Planning and Treatment5
MD6026Special Operations Medical Planning and Support - Task Unit5
MD6027Special Operations Advanced Medical Concepts10
MD6028Reflective Practice for Special Operations Medical Professionals10
MD6029Special Operations Resuscitation Team Development5
MD6030Advanced Resuscitation Skills 15
MD6031Special Operations Medical Engagement & Partnering5
IP5001Holistic Approach to Palliative Care5
IP6008Interprofessional Approaches to Pain and Symptoms in Palliative Care 10
IP6009Psychosocial and Spiritual Aspects of Palliative Care5
IP6010Care of the Dying Patient, Grief and Bereavement10
IP6013Pharmacotherapeutics in Palliative Care5


CT6102Newborn Hearing Screening:Objective Assessment of Paediatric Hearing in Neonates5


NU5099Managing behaviours that challenge in children experiencing mental distress5
MH6014Advanced Research Methods for Healthcare Professionals10
MH6016Advance Care Planning5
MH6029Decision Making and Advanced Practice Professional Roles10
MH6030Leadership, Quality Improvement and Governance for Advanced Clinical Practice10
MH6136Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Models:Behavioural Activation for Depression5
NU5082History Taking and Physical Assessment for Nursing Practice5
NU5098National Foundation Module in Critical Care Nursing10
NU6005Evidence Based Practice for Healthcare Professionals10
NU6053Professional, Ethical, and Legal Decision-making in Practice5
NU6070Clinical Leadership & Management for Practice Enhancement in Nursing & Midwifery10
NU6079Promoting Positive Ageing and Planning for End of Life5
NU6080Leadership, Organisational Change & Practice Development10
NU6085Wound Care for Healthcare Professionals5
NU6117Contemporary Approaches to Dementia, Stroke, and Mental Health in Later Life10
NU6145Foundations of Cancer Care10
NU6152Medical and Surgical Nursing of Individuals with Cardiorespiratory Problems10
NU6153Preparation for Birth and Parenthood Facilitation10
NU6158Evidence Based Cervical Screening10
NU6167Maternity Critical Care10
NU6169Authority to Refer for Radiological Procedures10
NU6171Principles in Critical Care Nursing10
NU6172Advanced Mental Health Assessment15
NU6173The theory and application of psychosocial interventions.10
NU6302Practice Enhancement for Quality Healthcare10
NU6303Advancing Practice for Patient Safety10
NU6304Advanced Research Methods Applied to Healthcare10
NU6306Clinical Leadership for Healthcare Quality Improvement10
NU6310Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice for Quality Improvement in Healthcare10
NU6312Contemporary Issues in Healthcare10
NU6313Digital Healthcare10

School of Pharmacy

PF5012An Introduction to Health Literacy for Health and Social Care Professions1
PF6035Lean Six Sigma for BioPharma10
PF6037Digital Transformation and Novel Products in the (Bio)pharma Industry10
PF6041Contamination Control for the Pharma and Biopharma Industry10
PF6042Contract and External Manufacturing in Pharma and Biopharma10
PF6046Foundational Pharmacology5
PF6504Coagulation Management for Healthcare Professionals5
PF6618Manufacturing of Pharmaceutical Formulations10

College of Science, Engineering and Food Science 


AT4003Architectural Technology: Current Practice5
AT6012Design Research: Technology Transformations5
AT6020Research Methods II: Digital Storytelling and Immersive Fictions5
AT6031Reviving Buildings: Methods and Praxis for Adaptive Reuse and Resilient Retrofit5


EE6035Electrical Power Systems5
EE6048Smart Grids5


PE6016Process Optimisation in the Pharmaceutical Industry5
PE6024Process Safety Engineering5
PE6026Project Engineering - From Concept to Completion5
PE6027Advanced Biopharmaceutical Engineering5

school of engineering

CE6045Introduction to Sustainability and the Natural Environment10
CE6046Introduction to Sustainable Enterprise10
CE6047Systems Thinking for Sustainability & Climate Action 10
CE6052Sustainable Reuse of Existing Buildings5
CE6053Climate Change: Science, Policy & Global Impact 10
NE6010Offshore Wind Energy5
NE6201Wind Energy5
NE6202Energy Innovation5
NE6204Photovoltaic Systems5
NE6206Offshore Wind and Ocean Energy Conversion10
NE6212Clean Energy Futures5
NE6215Progressing Toward Sustainable Industry5


FS1831Sustainable Success: Professional Skills for Thriving in the Agri-Food sector10
FS6208Cheese Science and Technology5
FS6209Ice cream Science and Technology5
FS6210Thermal Processing5
FS6211Sustainability in the Dairy Sector5

School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences (BEES) 

AG2002International study tour and work placement - New Zealand 1,25

To be eligible to apply students must be enrolled on BAgSc programme and in a position to travel at the allotted time. In exceptional circumstances students on allied degree programmes may apply. Enquires should be made to the Programme coordinator in advance of any application. Final decision on all applications rests with programme coordinator.


Students who pass this module may not use the credits accumulated to compensate for a failed module within their programme’s prescribed curriculum.


Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards Book and for each module in the Book of Modules.