MicroCreds - Microcredential Modules
For further information on applications, registration and examinations for Microcredentials, email microcreds@ucc.ie. On successful completion of a Microcredential(s), the learner will be provided with a relevant transcript of marks.
College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Studies
department of sociology and criminology
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
CR2022 | Inside-Out Criminal Justice and Social Justice | 10 |
School of Applied Social Studies
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
SS6808 | Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Awareness for Professional Practice | 5 |
SS6810 | Including people with intellectual disability in higher and further education | 5 |
SS6116 | Mentoring, Supervision and Talent Development in Social Work | 5 |
School of Film, Music and Theatre
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
DR6051 | Dialogues on Culture | 5 |
DR6052 | Arts Project Management | 5 |
DR1020 | Introduction to Inclusive Dance: Steps Toward Choreography | 5 |
DR1021 | Introduction to Inclusive Dance: Improvisation as a Method for Inclusion | 5 |
MU6061 | Neurodiversity: Embracing Creativity in the Music Classroom | 5 |
School of Applied Psychology
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
AP5830 | Workplace Change: Practice and Skills | 10 |
AP6056 | Building Workplace Resilience in Self and Others | 10 |
SCHOOL OF Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
LL5007 | Localisation Essentials | 10 |
department of geography
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
GG6539 | Introduction to Coastal and Marine Governance | 5 |
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
TL6009 | Digital Education for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education | 5 |
TL6010 | Inclusive Academic Practice for Research Supervision | 5 |
TL6101 | Tertiary Education Landscape | 10 |
TL6102 | Innovative Practices in Higher Education | 5 |
TL6103 | Reflective Leadership Practices | 10 |
College of Business and Law
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
BU6018 | Enabling Enterprise Growth Through Entrepreneurial Practice | 10 |
BU6019 | Stakeholder Influencing for Enterprise Innovators | 10 |
Irish Management Institute
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
IM6011 | Organisational Interventions and Sustainable Transformation | 5 |
IM6015 | Psychology of Negotiation | 5 |
IM6035 | Leading Cultural Change for Successful Digital Transformation | 5 |
IM6036 | Digital Innovation | 5 |
IM6061 | Financial Management | 5 |
IM6062 | Marketing | 5 |
IM6064 | Strategic People Management | 5 |
IM6116 | Leadership for Managers | 5 |
College of Medicine and Health
SCHOOL OF Medicine
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
AN6009 | Radiological Imaging | 5 |
AN6020 | Fundamentals of Human Structure | 5 |
AN6021 | Fundamentals of Human Motion | 5 |
AN6022 | Fundamentals of Neuroanatomy | 5 |
MD6017 | Special Operations Medical Planning and Support - Task Group | 10 |
MD6018 | Special Operations Medicine Programme Development | 5 |
MD6019 | Special Operations Surgical Team Development | 5 |
MD4020 | Extra-Mural Research and Innovation for Undergraduate Students: ROGUE | 5 |
MD6020 | Advanced Special Operations Surgical Team Development | 10 |
MD6021 | Combat Medical Simulation and Tactical Combat Casualty Care | 10 |
MD6022 | Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Medical Planning and Treatment | 5 |
MD6026 | Special Operations Medical Planning and Support - Task Unit | 5 |
MD6027 | Special Operations Advanced Medical Concepts | 10 |
MD6028 | Reflective Practice for Special Operations Medical Professionals | 10 |
MD6029 | Special Operations Resuscitation Team Development | 5 |
MD6030 | Advanced Resuscitation Skills 1 | 5 |
MD6031 | Special Operations Medical Engagement & Partnering | 5 |
IP5001 | Holistic Approach to Palliative Care | 5 |
IP6008 | Interprofessional Approaches to Pain and Symptoms in Palliative Care | 10 |
IP6009 | Psychosocial and Spiritual Aspects of Palliative Care | 5 |
IP6010 | Care of the Dying Patient, Grief and Bereavement | 10 |
IP6013 | Pharmacotherapeutics in Palliative Care | 5 |
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
CT6102 | Newborn Hearing Screening:Objective Assessment of Paediatric Hearing in Neonates | 5 |
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
NU5099 | Managing behaviours that challenge in children experiencing mental distress | 5 |
MH6014 | Advanced Research Methods for Healthcare Professionals | 10 |
MH6016 | Advance Care Planning | 5 |
MH6029 | Decision Making and Advanced Practice Professional Roles | 10 |
MH6030 | Leadership, Quality Improvement and Governance for Advanced Clinical Practice | 10 |
MH6136 | Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Models:Behavioural Activation for Depression | 5 |
NU5082 | History Taking and Physical Assessment for Nursing Practice | 5 |
NU5098 | National Foundation Module in Critical Care Nursing | 10 |
NU6005 | Evidence Based Practice for Healthcare Professionals | 10 |
NU6053 | Professional, Ethical, and Legal Decision-making in Practice | 5 |
NU6070 | Clinical Leadership & Management for Practice Enhancement in Nursing & Midwifery | 10 |
NU6079 | Promoting Positive Ageing and Planning for End of Life | 5 |
NU6080 | Leadership, Organisational Change & Practice Development | 10 |
NU6085 | Wound Care for Healthcare Professionals | 5 |
NU6117 | Contemporary Approaches to Dementia, Stroke, and Mental Health in Later Life | 10 |
NU6145 | Foundations of Cancer Care | 10 |
NU6152 | Medical and Surgical Nursing of Individuals with Cardiorespiratory Problems | 10 |
NU6153 | Preparation for Birth and Parenthood Facilitation | 10 |
NU6158 | Evidence Based Cervical Screening | 10 |
NU6167 | Maternity Critical Care | 10 |
NU6169 | Authority to Refer for Radiological Procedures | 10 |
NU6171 | Principles in Critical Care Nursing | 10 |
NU6172 | Advanced Mental Health Assessment | 15 |
NU6173 | The theory and application of psychosocial interventions. | 10 |
NU6302 | Practice Enhancement for Quality Healthcare | 10 |
NU6303 | Advancing Practice for Patient Safety | 10 |
NU6304 | Advanced Research Methods Applied to Healthcare | 10 |
NU6306 | Clinical Leadership for Healthcare Quality Improvement | 10 |
NU6310 | Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice for Quality Improvement in Healthcare | 10 |
NU6312 | Contemporary Issues in Healthcare | 10 |
NU6313 | Digital Healthcare | 10 |
School of Pharmacy
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
PF5012 | An Introduction to Health Literacy for Health and Social Care Professions | 1 |
PF6035 | Lean Six Sigma for BioPharma | 10 |
PF6037 | Digital Transformation and Novel Products in the (Bio)pharma Industry | 10 |
PF6041 | Contamination Control for the Pharma and Biopharma Industry | 10 |
PF6042 | Contract and External Manufacturing in Pharma and Biopharma | 10 |
PF6046 | Foundational Pharmacology | 5 |
PF6504 | Coagulation Management for Healthcare Professionals | 5 |
PF6618 | Manufacturing of Pharmaceutical Formulations | 10 |
College of Science, Engineering and Food Science
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
AT4003 | Architectural Technology: Current Practice | 5 |
AT6012 | Design Research: Technology Transformations | 5 |
AT6020 | Research Methods II: Digital Storytelling and Immersive Fictions | 5 |
AT6031 | Reviving Buildings: Methods and Praxis for Adaptive Reuse and Resilient Retrofit | 5 |
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
EE6035 | Electrical Power Systems | 5 |
EE6048 | Smart Grids | 5 |
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
PE6016 | Process Optimisation in the Pharmaceutical Industry | 5 |
PE6024 | Process Safety Engineering | 5 |
PE6026 | Project Engineering - From Concept to Completion | 5 |
PE6027 | Advanced Biopharmaceutical Engineering | 5 |
school of engineering
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
CE6045 | Introduction to Sustainability and the Natural Environment | 10 |
CE6046 | Introduction to Sustainable Enterprise | 10 |
CE6047 | Systems Thinking for Sustainability & Climate Action | 10 |
CE6052 | Sustainable Reuse of Existing Buildings | 5 |
CE6053 | Climate Change: Science, Policy & Global Impact | 10 |
NE6010 | Offshore Wind Energy | 5 |
NE6201 | Wind Energy | 5 |
NE6202 | Energy Innovation | 5 |
NE6204 | Photovoltaic Systems | 5 |
NE6206 | Offshore Wind and Ocean Energy Conversion | 10 |
NE6212 | Clean Energy Futures | 5 |
NE6215 | Progressing Toward Sustainable Industry | 5 |
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
FS1831 | Sustainable Success: Professional Skills for Thriving in the Agri-Food sector | 10 |
FS6208 | Cheese Science and Technology | 5 |
FS6209 | Ice cream Science and Technology | 5 |
FS6210 | Thermal Processing | 5 |
FS6211 | Sustainability in the Dairy Sector | 5 |
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences (BEES)
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
AG2002 | International study tour and work placement - New Zealand 1,2 | 5 |
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards Book and for each module in the Book of Modules.