BComm (Hons) - CK201


First Year - Commerce

To be admitted to the First University Examination in Commerce, a student must have satisfactorily attended prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits.

Second Year - Commerce

No student may register for the Second Year programme of study until the First University Examination in Commerce has been passed. Second Year consists of core modules to the value of 50 credits and elective modules to the value of 10 credits. In order to be admitted to the Second University Examination in Commerce, a student must have satisfactorily attended prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits.

Year Abroad Option - Third Year

A limited number of students may be allowed to take either:

  1. their Third Year at an approved university in another country, or
  2. their first semester of Third Year at an approved university in another country.

Applications to study abroad should be submitted to the International Office (IO) in January in Second Year (see under Third Year for details).

Third Year - Commerce

No student may register for the Third Year programme of study until the Second University Examination in Commerce has been passed. 50% of the aggregate Third Year mark of taught modules (maximum 450 marks) is carried forward and added to the Fourth Year aggregate mark (maximum 1200 marks) to determine the final mark in the BComm (Hons) Degree (maximum 1650 marks).

Third Year can be completed in one of three ways:

  1. Most students will complete the whole year in UCC,
  2. Some students will complete Semester 1 in an approved university abroad and the remainder of the year in UCC, and
  3. Some students will complete the whole year in an approved university abroad.

Students Completing Third Year in UCC

Third Year consists of core modules to the value of 40 credits consisting of 25 credits of modules aligned with the major options offered in Year 4 and 15 credits of a Transferable Skills module. Successful completion of the ECDL computer course is highly recommended for the Transferable Skills Work Placement and Research Project modules. Places on the Work Placement option are limited and students will be ranked on the basis of their second year examination results and success at interview. Elective modules to the value of 20 credits will be chosen from the options provided. In order to be admitted to the Third University Examination in Commerce, a student must have satisfactorily attended prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits.

Students Completing Semester 1 Abroad and the Remainder of the Year in UCC

A limited number of students may be allowed to take the first Semester of their Third Year at an approved university in another country. This option is only available to students who

  1. obtain at least 55% in their first attempt of the First University Examination in Commerce, and who
  2. pass all modules and obtain at least 60% at the College Examination Board in the first semester of the Second University Examination in Commerce.

The approved host university will be in an English-speaking country or will deliver its courses through English. Second Year students who wish to avail of this facility in their Third Year must apply to and receive permission from Cork University Business School. Applications should be submitted to the International Office (IO) in January in Second Year (contact IO for application deadline). This application should include full details of the applicant's proposed academic workload in the approved host university. It is important to stress that the number of students who can avail of the year-abroad option will be limited by the number of places available in any given year. Where the demand exceeds the number of available places, the International Office and the BComm Programme Directors will adjudicate on the applications. The adjudication will be based on the following criteria:

  1. the student's performance in their University Examinations in Commerce;
  2. the quality of the application; and
  3. an interview (if held).

Third Year consists of core modules to the value of 40 credits and elective modules to the value of 20 credits. Students are required to study modules within their chosen university which align with the Year 4 UCC major options (approved by Programme Directors) and complete the 15 credits of Transferable Skills. It is recommended that modules amounting to 30 ECTS (other than the Transferrable Skills module which must be taken at UCC) can be taken in the host university and the remaining credits taken in UCC. Successful completion of the ECDL computer course is highly recommended for the Transferable Skills Work Placement and Research Project modules. Places on the Work Placement option are limited and students will be ranked on the basis of their second year examination results and success at interview. 

During the semester abroad students should complete a workload broadly equivalent to

  1. 30 ECTS credits or
  2. 144 teaching contact hours.

The workload should be at a broadly equivalent level to the UCC BComm (Hons) III.

Semester abroad students are expected to complete a module(s) broadly equivalent to the matching BComm (Hons) III core module(s) offered by UCC. Semester abroad students are not expected to take identical courses to the remaining modules offered in BComm (Hons) III. Nevertheless, students are advised that some modules in BComm (Hons) III Semester One may be prerequisites to certain BComm (Hons) III Semester Two modules and to BComm (Hons) IV modules (and/or certain postgraduate programmes). Students should obtain agreement from the Programme Director(s) on the courses/modules they propose to take while abroad, and the standard necessary to be achieved in these in order to fulfil any prerequisite requirements they may wish to avail of.

In order to be admitted to the Third University Examination in Commerce, a student must have satisfactorily attended modules to the value of 60 credits. Individual marks per module will be submitted to the Spring Examination Board with a Supplemental Board in Autumn.

Students Completing Third Year Abroad

A limited number of students may be allowed to take their Third Year at an approved university in another country. This option is only available to students who obtain

  1. at least 55% in their first attempt of the First University Examination in Commerce, and
  2. pass all modules and obtain at least 60% in the first semester of the Second University Examination in Commerce.

The approved host university will be in an English-speaking country or will deliver its courses through English. Second Year students who wish to avail of this facility in their Third Year must apply to and receive permission from Cork University Business School. Applications should be submitted to the International Office (IO) in January in Second Year (contact IO for application deadline). This application should include full details of the applicant's proposed academic workload in the approved host university. It is important to stress that the number of students who can avail of the year-abroad option will be limited by the number of places available in any given year. Where the demand exceeds the number of available places, the International Office and the BComm Programme Directors will adjudicate on the applications. The adjudication will be based on the following criteria:

  1. the student's performance in the University Examinations in Commerce;
  2. the quality of the application; and
  3. an interview (if held).

To fulfil requirements for the successful completion of the year abroad, a student must achieve a pass standard, as applied by the host institution, on a set of courses approved by Cork University Business School, UCC. Students will be asked to complete a workload broadly equivalent to

  1. 60 ECTS credits, or
  2. 288 teaching contact hours over an academic year.

The workload should be at a broadly equivalent level to the UCC BComm (Hons) III. Third Year consists of core modules to the value of 40 credits and elective modules to the value of 20 credits. Students are required to study modules within their chosen university which align with the Year 4 UCC major options (approved by Programme Directors).

Year-abroad students are not expected to take identical courses to the modules offered in BComm (Hons) III. Nevertheless, students are advised that some modules in BComm (Hons) III may be prerequisites to certain BComm (Hons) IV modules (and/or certain postgraduate programmes). Students should obtain agreement from the Programme Director(s) on the courses/modules they propose to take while abroad, and the standard necessary to be achieved in these in order to fulfil any prerequisite requirements they may wish to avail of.

Marks shall be submitted to the Autumn Examination Board, UCC with a Supplemental Board in Winter.

Fourth Year - Commerce

No student may register for the Fourth Year programme of study until the Third University Examination in Commerce has been passed. Fourth Year consists of core modules to the value of 40 credits constituting a subject Major and modules to the value of 20 credits from any other Major group apart from the Major chosen or from elective module options. To be admitted to the BComm (Hons) Degree Examination, a student must have satisfactorily attended prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits.

Optional Additional Modules (fee applies)

Students may also take up to 10 additional credits in addition to their 60 core credits in First Year, Second Year and/or Fourth Year. Please note that the fee for taking every 5 additional credits will be 1/12th of the full year tuition fee for the programme. All such additional credits are offered subject to the availability of staff and resources, and to the attainment of a minimum viable group size, normally six.

A student may not select an optional additional module that clashes with the timetable of any module in the student's core 60 credits of study.

Students must obtain advance approval from Cork University Business School to register for additional modules. To do so, students should submit a signed Student Application Form to Cork University Business School.

These optional additional modules will not contribute to end of year results nor will they contribute to the final degree award. However, marks achieved in these modules will appear on the student's transcript.

Alternatively, students may take the Certificate in Languages which is a part-time programme taken over one or two academic years. It involves the study of two languages (from Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish) at levels from ab initio (beginner) to advanced. In determining the appropriate modules to be taken in each of the languages, recognition will be given for prior learning, and where appropriate students' language level will be assessed by the relevant language coordinator.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements