BMus (Hons) Pathway


The BMus (Hons) is a four-year honours degree programme.

To be eligible for the award of the BMus (Hons) Degree, a student will be required to have achieved 240 credits by obtaining 60 credits in each of First (Arts-Music), Second, Third and Fourth BMus (Hons). A student may not register for more than 60 credits in one academic year.

First Year - Arts - Music

Students entering First Year enter through CK104 Arts-Music and take the First Year Arts-Music programme. At the beginning of Second Year, students may opt to register for the BMus (Hons) pathway.

In First Arts-Music students take Music together with two other subjects from the First Arts-Music programme. See here for programme requirements.

Second Year - Music

Students who wish to take the BMus (Hons) pathway from 2016/17 onwards must register for the pathway at the beginning of Second Year. No student may register for Second Music until he/she has passed the First University Examination in Arts - Music.

No student may register for Second Music in 2016/17 until he/she has passed the First University Examination in Music.

In order to be admitted to the Second University Examination in Music a student must have attended in a satisfactory manner, prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits.

Third Year - Music

No student may register for the Third Year programme until he/she has passed the Second University Examination in Music.

In order to be admitted to the Third University Examination in Music a student must have passed the First and Second University Examinations in Music, and attended in a satisfactory manner, subsequent to attendance at the Second Year programme, prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits.

Programme Requirements

In the final two years of the BMus (Hons) Degree, students are allowed considerable freedom to construct their own programme. Students are advised to discuss their choices with staff in advance.

Fourth Year - Music

No student may register for the Fourth Year programme until he/she has passed the Third University Examination in Music.

In order to be admitted to the BMus (Hons) Degree Examination a student must have passed the First, Second and Third University Examinations in Music, and attended in a satisfactory manner,subsequent to attendance at the Third Year programme, prescribed modules to the value of 60 credits.

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements