BSc (Hons) Chemistry with Forensic Science



Students may opt to enter the Second Science Chemistry with Forensic Science programme from the following First Science areas of study: Biological and Chemical Sciences (CK402 entry) and Chemical Sciences (CK406 entry), provided they have passed 1st Science and passed the CM1200 and CM1201. There are twenty places available each year.


Students from CK402 or CK406 will be offered places in order of merit based on their First Year Examination results in Chemistry. In filling the quotas, places will be given to students passing the First University Examination in Science at the Summer Examination in the first year of registration for the First University Examination in Science, and in order of merit of marks in CM1200 and CM1201 obtained thereat. Remaining places, if any, will be filled in order of merit without distinction as to when the examination was completed. The decision as to the filling of such remaining places will be made after the results of the Autumn Supplemental Examination are known.

Second Year - Chemistry with Forensic Science

Optional Module - CM0004 Introduction to Validation (5 credits)

Students interested in taking this optional module must note their interest to the module co-ordinator in the first week of Semester 1. Places are limited and will be allocated based on results obtained in First Year and subject to the approval of the Programme Co-ordinator. CM0004 is not included for progression to subsequent year and is not counted toward the final degree award. The result obtained in CM0004 will be recorded on the student's transcript.

Third Year - Chemistry with Forensic Science

OPTIONAL MODULE - CM0005 Validation Science (5 CREDITS)

Students interested in taking this optional module must note their interest to the module co-ordinator in the first week of Semester 2. Students who have passed the prerequisite CM0004 will be allocated a place, subject to the approval of the Programme Co-ordinator. CM0005 is not included for progression to subsequent year and is not counted toward the final degree award. The result obtained in CM0005 will be recorded on the student's transcript.


Students interested in taking this optional module must secure a work placement relevant to the discipline, subject to the approval of the School of Chemistry. The work placement is to be undertaken in June-August (minimum four weeks) following the Third Year Summer Examination. CM4211 Work Placement for Chemistry Students is not included for progression to subsequent year and is not counted towards the final degree award.  The result obtained in CM4211 Work Placement for Chemistry Students will be recorded on the student's transcript.


On the recommendation of the Head of the School of Chemistry and subject to the approval of the College, a student may be permitted to undertake a semester of the Third Year of their BSc studies at an approved institution abroad following a study programme equivalent to 30 credits. The detailed programme of study shall be proposed by the student in consultation with the approved host institution and the Programme Co-ordinator of the BSc Chemistry with Forensic Science degree programme, and shall require the approval of the Head of the School of Chemistry.

The student will be examined by the approved host institution in their semester abroad. A student who achieves a pass standard, as defined by the approved host institution, will be deemed to have passed the semester. A student who fails to achieve a pass standard in their semester abroad, as defined by the approved host institution, will be deemed to have failed the Third University Examination in Chemistry and will be eligible to undertake the Third Year programme at UCC in a Repeat Year. The detailed transcript of results will be communicated by the host institution to the Autumn Examination Board, UCC, and will form part of the student's formal academic record.

Exit Award

Students who have passed Third Year may choose not to proceed to Fourth Year and may opt instead to be conferred with a BSc Ordinary Degree (NFQ Level 7).

Fourth Year - Chemistry with Forensic Science

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements