Status: Active
National Framework Of Qualifications (NFQ) Level: 9
NFQ Award Class: Major Award
Duration Full Time: 12 Month(s)
Duration Part Time: 24 Month(s)
Total Credits: 90
Delivery Method: In-Person
Connected Curriculum: - Employability
- Research Based Teaching
Graduate Attributes: - Creator, evaluator and communicator of knowledge
- Digitally Fluent
- Independent and creative thinker
- Socially Responsible
Work-Integrated Learning (Including Placement): No
The MA in English (Modernities: Literature, Theory and Culture from the Romantics to the Present) is a full-time programme running over 12 months from the date of first registration for the programme.
Postgraduate Certificate in English (Modernities: Literature, Theory and Culture from the Romantics to the Present) (NFQ Level 9, Minor Award)
Candidates who pass at least 30 credits of taught modules may opt to exit the programme and be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate in English (Modernities: Literature, Theory and Culture from the Romantics to the Present).
Programme Requirements
For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements.
Programme Requirements
Module List
Code |
Title |
Credits |
| |
| |
EN6009 | Contemporary Research: Skills, Methods and Strategies | 10 |
EN6028 | Theories of Modernity 1 | 10 |
1 | 30 |
| Ireland and Modernity (10) | |
| Literary and Cultural Modernisms (10) | |
| Postmodernism (10) | |
| Romanticism and Modernity (10) | |
| |
EN6017 | Dissertation in English | 40 |
Total Credits | 90 |
Full details and regulations governing Examinations for each programme will be contained in the Marks and Standards Book and for each module in the Book of Modules.
Programme Learning Outcomes
Programme Learning Outcomes for MA in English (Modernities: Literature, Theory and Culture from the Romantics to the Present) (NFQ Level 9, Major Award)
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
- Discuss key aspects of theories of Modernity and Postmodernity in American and British literature and film;
- Analyse some aspects of the relations between Romanticism and Modernity in American and British literature and film;
- Write critically and analytically on subjects within the fields of Romantic literature and art, Modernist literature and art, Postmodernist literature and art, literary and cultural theory; transatlantic studies;
- Write about research activities such as: research seminars; conferences; literature surveys, library surveys and other research activities;
- Pursue a research topic, developed through clear and recordable processes of enquiry and selection and the research and composition of a dissertation;
- Write about a specific field of study in a coherent and well-structured way;
- Utilise advanced critical, theoretical and methodological concepts in the presentation of their research;
- Contribute to existing critical, theoretical and methodological debates within a specified field of study.