Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Psychology (Mental Health)


Exit Award only

Students on the MA (Applied Psychology) (Mental Health) programme who have completed and passed modules to the value of at least 60 credits in Part I and who fail or do not wish to proceed to Part II may opt to exit the programme and be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Psychology (Mental Health).


While sufficient placements will be secured for all students on the programme, if a student chooses not to accept the placement offered by the School of Applied Psychology, it will then become their responsibility to secure an alternative placement for themselves which meets with the School of Applied Psychology placement criteria for MA (Applied Psychology) (Mental Health). MAAP-MH placements may be located throughout the Republic of Ireland. 

Students failing the Placement may, with the approval of the programme team, be permitted to either extend or repeat the Placement. Students may repeat the placement only once in a repeat year. 

Students failing or not completing the placement because of a serious ethical breach as per placement contract will not be permitted to repeat the placement.

If a student is deemed unsuitable to continue a placement for any reason other than an ethical breach, they may be permitted to complete 20 credits of taught Postgraduate Applied Psychology modules instead plus the 30 credit dissertation and exit with an MA in Psychology.

All placements will be supervised in a work setting relevant to the programme of study. Placements will run two days a week (usually Thursdays and Fridays) for at least six months (340 hours minimum). 

Programme Requirements

For information about modules, module choice, options and credit weightings, please go to Programme Requirements